2017. november 5., vasárnap

2017 július könyvekben


Maggie Stiefvater: The Raven King – A Hollókirály
2017. július 7.

Colleen Hoover – Tarryn Fisher: Never never – Soha, de soha 2.
2017. július 7.


Cassandra Clare – Robin Wasserman: The Evil We Love
2017. július 5., 20:55 → 2017. július 6., 23:25

>>As long as Simon didn’t think about the past, the past couldn’t hurt him. But, increasingly, he couldn’t help himself. There were too much pleasure in the pain.<<
Cassandra Clare – Robin Wasserman: Pale Kings and Princes
2017. július 8., 16:45 → 2017. július 8., 21:02

>>[…] the Shadowhunter Academy students were expected to learn current events. Although judging from what they’d learned so far, Simon thought, their current events class could just as easily be titled “Why Faeries Suck.”<<
Cassandra Clare – Sarah Rees Brennan: Bitter of Tongue
2017. július 8., 21:03 → 2017. július 8., 23:11

>>“Feel this arm,” said Simon. “Rock hard! I don’t mean to brag, but it’s all bone. All bone.”<<
Cassandra Clare – Maureen Johnson: The Fiery Trial
2017. július 23., 14:00 → 2017. július 23., 16:03

>>“Where thou diest, I will die, and there will I be buried . . .”
Shadowhunter rituals, always cheery.<<

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